Quick installation
Use TrustSource with your npm projects in combination with the Grunt javascript task runner by utilizing the “ecs-grunt-plugin”. Install this plugin with a simple
npm install ecs-grunt-plugin --save-dev
on the command line within your project folder.
Create a new or extend your existing Gruntfile.js by using the provided example Gruntfile.js as a template and replace the ‘user’ and ‘apiKey’ properties with your own credentials and find a reasonable project name for the ‘project’ property.
Simply execute
grunt ecs-scan
on the command line within your project directory to scan and transfer the dependency information to the TrustSource platform.
Simple example Gruntfile.js:
'use strict'; module.exports = function (grunt) { grunt.initConfig({ 'ecs-scan': { options: { npm: { project: 'YOUR PROJECT NAME' }, user: 'YOUR LOGIN-NAME (e-mail)', apiKey: 'YOUR API KEY', baseUrl: 'https://app.trustsource.io' } } }); grunt.loadNpmTasks("ecs-grunt-plugin"); grunt.registerTask('default', ['ecs-scan']); };
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